- REI has an extensive background in providing both major and minor project design services in the Continuous Services format for a variety of clients, including the past six years for Florida State University.
Florida State University: Continuing Structural Engineering Services
Minor Projects/ Threshold Inspection – 2007 extending through 2016: REI has completed (or is currently working on) a total of 33 individual projects, including:
- Music Bldg. Slab Settlement Repair
- Stadium Video Board Installation
- University Center Storage
- Dodd Hall Beam Design & Cracks
- Reservation Bldg. Modifications
- Fine Arts Sign Foundation
- Stadium Ribbon Ad Boards
- Kellum Hall Stairwells
- Sallie Hall Stairwells
- Deviney Hall Exterior Brick
- 809 Madison Street Renovation
- WFSU – New Building
- Kellum Hall Exterior Brick
- Stdium Column Crack & Ramp Repair
- Skybox Rooftop Units
- Mag Lab Loading Dock Extension
- Keen Building – Rework Loading Dock Area
- Thrasher Building Stairs – Feasibility Study
- Athletics Physical Training Facility, Building 90
- Tanner Hall (Police Station) Modification
- Marine Lab Tank Platform
- Marine Lab Boat Ramp
- Basketball Training Facility – Spalling Investigation
- Mag Lab, New Lab Space C310
- Hoffman Building Walkway Settlement
- Receiving Dept. Loading Dock
- Well Vault Design
- Stadium Exterior Wall Investigation
- Stadium Investigation-Piers, Plate, & Brick
- Chemistry Bldg. Storefront Reinforcement
- FSU Lab Theater
- Aramark Building Brick Repair
- Smith Hall Brick Investigation & Design
- Reservation Boathouse Re-design
- Sallie Hall West Staircase
- Central Plant Chilled Water Line Support
- Kellum Hall – Repair Stairs 2 & 3
- Law School Auditorium
- Doak Campbell Stadium Bracing Modification
- Marine Lab – Overlook Dock
- Jennie Murphee Duct Penetrations
- Leach Center Fan Support
- Antarctic Marine Geology Research Facility
- Propane Tank Foundation
- Rogers Hall Wall Spalling Investigation
- Kellum Hall Wall Spalling Investigation
- Law School Door/Beam Modification
- Doak Campbell Visitor’s Locker Room
- Doak Campbell HC Settlement
- Mag Lab, Battery Pit
Representative Project Pages Include: